It’s hard to believe it’s already been ten days since Grand Opening, but here we are, and October is already off to a good start. We rolled into our first week post grand opening with a bunch of new clients on the books and so far, we’re right on track to keep meeting those monthly goal numbers. Remember, my goal for the first year of Patient PT isn’t to make a profit – it’s to build a sustainable practice that I can be truly proud of, and to treat every patient as I would prefer to be treated myself. On that front, it’s so far, so good!
And what about that Grand Opening? Well, besides the fact that it's taken me a full ten days to recover from, it was a total win! All but three of the 24 donated silent auction items sold, for a total of over $960. I am proud to say that the single largest non-sponsor donation came from the sale of a 6-month massage membership to Patient PT, which sold for $350. We recruited a total of eight sponsors, including local heavy-hitters Lennie’s and Cardinal Spirits.

In the end, we ended up beating our $4000 goal by 23%, with $4927.01 in cash and sponsorships. That means that Patient PT will be able to offer over $3000 in free and sliding scale physical therapy services to Bloomington and Monroe County residents in need.
I am in the process of developing the eligibility requirements and application for this program, and hope to have all the details worked out so that I can post an update and begin accepting applications for free and sliding scale services no later than the end of this month. Pro-bono and sliding-scale services will be offered to eligible applicants on a first-come, first-served basis and only as funding levels allow. Details will be linked to this post as soon as they are made available. Those interested in applying for this program may email [email protected] with “Scholarship Applicant” in the subject line, and they will be added to the mailing list of those provided with application materials as soon as the application window is open.
On a personal note, I wanted to share a bit about how all of this has already affected me personally, as a healthcare provider. Shortly before Impatience, I got a call from someone who had been referred to Patient PT by another therapy clinic (a first!) as a more affordable possibility for uninsured patients. I gave them the rate information, but I could tell they were disappointed, and probably could not afford to come to my clinic. The quiet heartbreak of EVERY healthcare provider is watching a patient walk away because they are unable to pay.
Today, I decided to send a text to that person letting them know that a pro-bono and sliding scale program would be available soon, and offered to send information on it if they wrote back with an email and name. They wrote back with their information immediately and thanked me for reaching out to them, and I found myself overcome with joy at the possibility that I might be able to help this one after all. There will always be patients that get away, but now, for me, there will be a few more that can stay, and learn, and heal. Today is a good day.
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